The Best Natural Sinusitis Remedies
Published in All About Health (
These natural remedies are increasingly being used in lieu of conventional medicine because they are being proven to be more effective.
Acute sinusitis lasts less than twelve weeks. Chronic sinusitis lasts longer than twelve weeks or keeps coming back and people have been known to suffer from it for over fifty years. This can really have a profound affect on peoples quality of life.
The mucous membranes of the nasal membranes become swollen and inflamed, the openings get blocked and proper sinus drainage is inhibited leading to a mucous build up. These blocked, inflamed sinuses create a moist environment that makes it easier for bacterial and fungal infections to occur and take hold.
Acute sinusitis is normally the result of a common cold. Chronic sinusitis is more complex and the bacterial and/or fungal infections can be caused by a variety of reasons such as; a lowered immune system, nasal allergies, obstructed sinuses (nasal polyps or deviated nasal septum), exposure to irritants/pollutants on a regular basis.
The symptoms can include one, several or all of the following; sinus/facial tenderness, pressure and pain, pain felt in ears, jaws and teeth, tiredness, dizziness, post nasal drip and a green nasal discharge, nasal congestion, reduced sense of smell, cough, sore throat, bad breath, nausea.
Many people have got rid of their sinus infections by using these proven treatments.
Natural nasal sprays – SinuSoothe in particular is doctor recommended and contains natural ingredients which relieve inflammation, nasal congestion, sinus pain, headaches, removes airborne irritants etc. SinuSoothe is anti-bacterial and anti-fungal and therefore kills any infection present. In addition it contains natural anti-histamines that relieve a runny, itchy nose and sneezing etc. and desensitizes the nasal passages to allergens. It also removes airborne allergens. SinuSoothe can be used long term, is non – addictive and has no side effects. It provides not only a ‘quick fix’ but also a long term solution for sinusitis sufferers.
Sterimar saline nasal spray – This in particular is useful at removing airborne allergens and relieving nasal congestion. It improves sinus drainage therefore can help with sinus infections and comes in isotonic or hypertonic solutions. It is not as effective as Sinusoothe at killing infections since it does not contain powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal ingredients. Sterimar is completely safe and non-addictive.
Irrigation of the nasal passages – A saline solution is administered to the sinuses using a neti pot or some other similar device. This saline solution can vary in salt content and can be either isotonic or hypertonic. Hypertonic solutions may be more useful at relieving nasal congestion. The purpose of nasal irrigation is to clean out allergens and excess mucus from the sinuses and improve sinus drainage. This can also assist in getting rid of sinus infections.
Anti-histamines – Sinusitis caused by nasal allergies would greatly benefit from the use of natural anti-histamines. Butterbur, quercetin and stinging nettle are all excellent natural anti-histamines and do not cause side effects. Butterbur has been clinically proven to be just as effective as the over the counter anti-histamines.
Reducing stress levels – Stress contributes to ill health and should be minimised whenever possible. It reduces immune function and causes ‘flare ups’. Vitamin B complex assists the body during stressful times and magnesium, 5htp etc. can help to relax you. There are also plenty of other supplements that can relieve stress and help you to cope with it better. Pressure is healthy, stress is not
Regular exercise – Exercise, provided it is not too taxing, can boost the immune system and provides a sense of wellbeing. Also the endorphins released during exercise act as natural painkillers. If you want to have more energy then exercise will provide this.
Imroving immune function – A healthy immune system is beneficial whether you have an existing medical condition or are warding off infections. A good diet combined with supplements such as vitamin C, B complex, garlic, zinc, multi-vitamin etc. can help maintain a healthy immune system.
Anti-inflammatories – The symptoms of sinusitis are caused by inflammation, therefore by reducing the inflammation you will reduce the symptoms. Natural anti-inflammatories such as vitamin C, turmeric, ginger and omega oils can be used on a regular basis.
Barrier gels – To relieve the symptoms of hay fever special barrier gels can be applied to the inside of the nostrils to prevent pollen from entering the sinuses.
Before using new treatments please speak with a doctor first.
Natural Antibiotic – Get Rid of Sinus Infections Forever
Published in How to Avoid Allergies (
Amoxicillin and erythromycin are the two most common antibiotics that doctors regularly prescribe for sinus infections.
However antibiotics are ineffective for many chronic sinusitis sufferers due to the following;- Over use of the same antibiotics and people not finishing the recommended courses have made bacteria resistant to them, doctors prescribing the wrong antibiotic (a swab of the infection should be taken to establish what the best antibiotic is for that type of infection), antibiotics do not kill fungal infections which are thought to be the cause of over 90% of chronic sinus infections, due to the location of the four sets of sinus cavities it is difficult for the antibiotics to get to the infection through the bloodstream, some bacterial infections are encapsulated by fungal infections therefore, again, the antibiotics cannot get to the bacterial infection.
Side effects such as sickness, stomach upsets, diarrhea and yeast infections can be caused by antibiotics. They are also capable of reducing immune function. Where allergies are developed to antibiotics this can be potentially life threatening as antibiotics are sometimes required to treat serious medical conditions.
The chairman of the Department of Otolaryngology at the University of Nebraska Medical Centre, Douglas A Leopold, said many doctors prescribe antibiotics simply because they can’t think of anything better to use.
SinuSoothe 100% Natural Nasal Spray is a great natural alternative to prescribed antibiotics. It is doctor recommended and contains ingredients that have been clinically proven to kill bacterial and fungal infections. Using a pump action nasal dispenser it is applied in to the sinus cavities. This means it gets to work straight away on infected tissue. It also provides instant relief from sinus congestion, sinus headaches, sinus pain etc. It is totally safe to use daily for chronic conditions, is non addictive and has no known side effects.
SinuSoothe is increasingly being recommended by health physicians who are now realizing that pharmaceutical drugs are not suitable for chronic sinus infections.
Please consult your doctor if you have a sinus infection before using new treatments.
The Best Natural Nasal Sprays
Published in Ezine articles.
Natural nasal sprays such as SinuSoothe and Sterimar are great alternatives to the pharmaceutical nasal sprays and drugs that have failed to help many sinus sufferers.
Many sinus sufferers have been let down by conventional decongestant, steroid and ant-histamine nasal sprays and drugs and are looking for natural alternatives that work and do not cause side effects. Unfortunately conventional medicine can artificially mask the symptoms and provides only a ‘band aid’ solution. Some medical conditions such as sinus infections, cannot even be cured using antibiotics, a wonder of modern medicine.
Nasal sprays containing saline solution such as Sterimar can relieve sinus congestion, remove allergens within the nasal passages and improve sinus drainage. Therefore by improving sinus drainage and clearing blockages, sinus infections can be prevented and existing sinus infections may be cleared. Clearing of allergens from the nasal passages also helps to reduce nasal allergy symptoms. Sterimar is non-addictive, and is safe to use daily.
Natural nasal sprays such as SinuSoothe also relieve nasal congestion, remove airborne allergens and improve cillary function (sinus drainage) but also have additional benefits. SinuSoothe in particular has powerful anti-allergenic, anti-bacterial, antibiotic, anti-fungal, anti-histaminic, anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, anti-viral, decongestant, expectorant and pain relieving properties. It can be used to treat sinusitis, hay fever, cold, allergies, rhinitis and nasal spray addiction. It provides immediate relief from sinus pain, sinus pressure, headaches, runny nose, sneezing, post nasal drip etc. It kills bacterial and fungal infections extremely effectively and in the case of allergies it not only acts as a nasal anti-histamine but it also desensitizes the nasal passages to allergens. It is doctor recommended and the ingredients have been clinically proven to be effective. It is completely safe to use, has no known side effects and is non-addictive. Doctors even use it themselves to treat their own sinus conditions.
Many people are unaware that these tried and tested alternatives are often far better than the conventional treatments available. However, thankfully doctors are becoming more and more aware of their existence and this can only be good for sinus sufferers.
It is always advisable to consult your doctor before using new treatments.
The Best Natural Treatments to Cure Sinusitis – A Sinus Experts Advice
Published in Muscle Fitness Advice (
Treating sinusitis with these natural remedies is becoming more popular as people are realising how effective are. It is estimated that 35 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from sinusitis and it can have a major impact on their quality of life.
Chronic sinusitis is a recurrent problem or lasts more than three months. It can be an extremely painful condition and can seriously affect the quality of a persons life.
When nasal congestion occurs due to swollen sinus membranes, this creates a perfect environment for bacterial and fungal infections to take hold.
Acute sinusitis is usually caused by the common cold whereas chronic sinusitis can be caused by a variety of reasons such as; recurring bouts of acute sinusitis combined with a low immune system, allergies, fungal infections, nasal polyps (growth in the sinuses) or tumours, deviated nasal septum, trauma to the face (a fractured or broken bone may obstruct the sinuses), medical conditions such as cystic fibrosis, gastroesophageal reflux, HIV and other immune system diseases, immune system cells (with certain health conditions immune cells called eosinophils can cause inflammation), regular exposure to pollutants such as cigarette smoke. The key element to all of the foregoing is bacterial and/or fungal infection.
The symptoms include some or all of the following; sinus/facial pain, sinus/facial tenderness, sinus/facial pressure, headaches, pain in teeth, pain in jaw, pain in ears, pain through and around eyes, fatigue (worse in chronic sinusitis), dizziness, drainage of a thick yellow or green discharge from the nose or down the back of the throat (post nasal drip), nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, reduced sense of smell and taste, cough (which may be worse at night), nausea, sore throat and halitosis (bad breath)
Many people have got rid of their sinus infections by using these proven treatments.
Naturally formulated nasal sprays – In particular Sinusoothe is extremely effective at killing bacterial and fungal infections. It is doctor recommended and also provides immediate relief from sinus pain, headaches, nasal congestion etc. For allergy sufferers it contains natural anti-histamines and it also desensitizes the nasal passages to allergens therefore allergy symptoms such as a runny nose, nasal congestion etc. are relieved. It also removes airborne allergens. It is completely safe to use on a regular basis and is not addictive.
Saline nasal sprays – Saline nasal sprays such as Sterimar may be useful for moisturising the nasal passages, removing airborne irritants and relieving nasal congestion. They can be either isotonic or hypertonic solutions. These can be used long term, have no side effects and are non-addictive. However they are not particularly useful at reducing histamine (which causes allergic rhinitis). It is completely safe and non-addictive.
Sinus irrigation – A neti pot or some other similar device is used to flush out nasal allergens and relieve nasal congestion. A saline solution is used and can be either isotonic or hypertonic. An isotonic solution has a salt concent the same as the human body whereas a hypertonic solution has a higher salt content. This is a good practice for maintaining sinus hygiene and may help get rid of sinus infections.
Reducing histamine – Allergies that cause nasal congestion would benefit from natural anti-histamines. Butterbur and stinging nettle etc. are all excellent and can be just as effective as the OTC anti-histamines. What’s more they don’t cause the side effects associated with their pharmaceutical counterparts.
Stop getting stressed – A small amount of stress is fine so long as it is not ‘distress’. Pressure is healthy and can provide motivation. When we are overwhelmed we feel stressed out and it contributes to ill health. Relaxation and taking time outs are essential and there are lots of herbs/supplements available which can assist relaxation if you find it hard to switch off.
Exercise on a regular basis – Our natural painkiller endorphins is released during exercise and this can help relieve pain. Exercise also boosts the immune system and makes us feel more energetic, however if the exercise is too strenuous it can have the opposite effect. It is like everything else in life, the right balance has to be found.
Boosting immune system – Eating a balanced diet and supplementing with good quality vitamins etc. will improve immune system function and your ability to fight infection. Vitamin C, vitamin B complex, garlic and a multi-vitamin & mineral would help boost your immune system. Your local health food store should be able to advise you.
Anti-inflammatories – The symptoms of sinusitis are caused by inflammation, therefore by reducing the inflammation you will reduce the symptoms. Natural anti-inflammatories such as vitamin C, turmeric, ginger and omega oils can be used on a regular basis.
Nasal barriers – For hay fever sufferers special gels can be applied inside the nostrils to catch pollen.
Please consult your doctor before using new treatments.
Do Capsaicin Nasal Sprays Like Sinus Buster and Sinol Really Work?
Published in searchwarp on November 10th 2010.
Capsaicin nasal sprays such as Sinus Buster and Sinol have helped many sinusitis and sinus allergy sufferers.
These nasal sprays contain the active ingredient capsaicin which reduces substance P. Substance P plays a major role in causing inflammation. It can relieve nasal congestion, headaches, sinus pain etc. The capsaicin can also desensitizes the nasal passages to allergens therefore nasal allergy symptoms such as a runny nose, sneezing etc. can be relieved. Because they are natural they should be safe to use daily on a long term basis and have no known side effects. Many people get great relief from using capsaicin based nasal sprays, however, like all products, they do not work for everybody and are not to everyones liking. Upon initial use you get a powerful burning sensation, termed ‘the kick’, increased nasal discharge and sneezing. The manufacturers not hide this fact and clearly states that these sensations are part of the process that relieves symptoms such as nasal congestion, sinus pressure, sinus headaches and sinus allergy symptoms.
Where you find capsaicin nasal sprays to be ineffective or not to your liking SinuSoothe 100% Natural Nasal Spray is a great alternative. It does not cause this powerful burning sensation, yet provides all of the same benefits and more. It is also a far more potent anti-bacterial and anti-fungal formula. It contains a more complex array of natural active ingredients namely, the essential oils of cinnamon, cumin, frankincense, ginger, manuka, tea tree and turmeric. Scientific studies have shown that similar to capsaicin, ginger is a Cox 1 and Cox 2 inhibitor and reduces substance P, but unlike capsaicin, it doesn’t cause the powerful burning sensation. It is doctor recommended and contains active ingredients that have been clinically proven to have powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-histamine, anti-allergenic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant and decongestant properties. Because it is 100% natural it is completely safe to be used daily for chronic conditions. SinuSoothe can be used long term, has no known side effects and is non-addictive. Like capsaicin nasal sprays it provides a ‘quick fix’ by relieving symptoms such as sinus pain, sinus headaches, nasal congestion, runny nose etc. It also provides along term solution since it is extremely effective at killing bacterial and fungal infections and it desensitizes the nasal passages to allergens.
If you are looking for great natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs then these natural nasal sprays are well worth trying.
Please speak with your doctor if you have sinus troubles.
The Best Alternatives to Decongestant Nasal Sprays Such as Vicks Sinex, Afrin, Dristan and Sudafed
Published in Bukisa on 17th September 2010.
There are extremely effective natural alternatives to over the counter decongestant nasal sprays such as Vicks Sinex, Afrin, Dristan and Sudafed that do not cause their side effects.
OTC decongestant nasal sprays work by shrinking the blood vessels in the nasal passages. Therefore they can relieve inflammation and associated symptoms such as nasal congestion, headaches, sinus pain etc.
Unfortunately they have the following disadvantages;
- They can only be used short term therefore they are not suitable for chronic conditions.
- They can cause side effects such as nausea and headaches.
- Continuous use for more than the recommended period can result in a condition called ‘Rhinitis Medicamentosa’ more commonly known as nasal spray addiction. This means that there is a dependency on the nasal spray due to rebound congestion (when you stop using the nasal spray your congestion is worse than before). The delicate linings of the nasal membrane can be permanently damaged.
- They do not treat any underlying bacterial or fungal infection.
The following natural treatments have helped many people with nasal conditions and do not cause the side effects associated with steroid nasal sprays.
- Natural nasal sprays – Natural nasal sprays such as SinuSoothe are doctor recommended and contain clinically proven ingredients. It kills bacterial and fungal infections, reduces histamine, desensitises the nasal passages to allergens, removes airborne irritants and relieves inflammation and associated symptoms. It is completely safe and non-addictive. Uses – treats and relieves the symptoms of sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis.
- Natural anti-histamines – Butterbur, stinging nettle etc. are all excellent at reducing histamine thereby relieving the symptoms of allergies and rhinitis. Butterbur in particular has been clinically proven to be just as effective as over the counter anti-histamines but without the side effects. Uses – treats and relieves the symptoms of hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis.
- Saline nasal sprays – Saline nasal sprays such as Sterimar may be useful for moisturising the nasal passages, removing airborne irritants and relieving nasal congestion. They can be either isotonic or hypertonic solutions. These can be used long term, have no side effects and are non-addictive. However they are not particularly useful at reducing histamine (which causes allergic rhinitis) or killing bacterial and fungal infections. Uses – limited use to relieve sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis.
- Nasal irrigation – A neti pot is used to irrigate the sinuses with either an isotonic or hypertonic solution. An isotonic solution has the same salt concentration as your body. A hypertonic solution has a higher salt content and may be more useful at drawing moisture and mucous from the sinuses. This may help reduce inflammation and relieve nasal congestion. It is a good practice for keeping your sinuses clean and removing irritants. It is completely safe provided you use the correct saline solution. It may help get rid of sinus infections however it does not reduce histamine. Uses – sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis.
- Reducing stress levels – Stress contributes to ill health and should be minimised whenever possible. It reduces immune function and causes ‘flare ups’. Vitamin B complex assists the body during stressful times and magnesium, 5htp etc. can help to relax you. There are also plenty of other supplements that can relieve stress and help you to cope with it better. Pressure is healthy, stress is not.
- Exercise – Exercise has been known to reduce chronic sinusitis symptoms since the endorphins released during exercise act as natural painkillers. It can also improve immune function provided it is not over strenuous.
- Boosting immune system – Eating a balanced diet and supplementing with good quality vitamins etc. will improve immune system function and your ability to fight infection. Vitamin C, vitamin B complex, garlic and a multi-vitamin & mineral would help boost your immune system. Your local health food store should be able to advise you.
- Natural anti-inflammatories- Since the symptoms of nasal conditions are caused by inflammation (either caused by infection or histamine) it follows that by reducing inflammation you will reduce the severity of the symptoms. Omega 3,6 &9 oils, vitamin C, turmeric and ginger are all excellent natural anti-inflammatories. There are plenty of others and your local health food store should be able to advise you on these. It usually takes about 4 weeks for these to start taking effect. Uses – treats and relieves the symptoms of sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis.
- Pollen barriers – Pollen barriers such as special barrier gel inside the nostrils can catch pollen before it enters the nasal passages thus relieving hay fever symptoms.
Please consult your doctor before using new treatments.
Cure Sinus Pressure For Good
Published in Adrenal Fatigue Symptoms and Treatment (
These treatments are extremely effective, have a proven track record and have helped many sufferers get rid of their sinus pressure, pain, headaches and nasal congestion etc.
Sinusitis is usually the root cause of sinus pressure. Sinusitis is basically a medical condition caused by swelling of the nasal passages resulting in pressure being felt around the eyes, cheekbones and forehead.
Sinus pressure usually gets worse when you lean forward or lay down. Other symptoms of sinusitis can include tiredness, post-nasal drip, nasal congestion, green nasal discharge, fever, sinus pain, headaches, sore throat, sore ears and sore teeth/jaw etc.
Sinus infections, either bacterial or fungal, cause sinusitis to occur. These sinus infections are the result of inadequate sinus drainage (congestion) which provides an ideal breeding ground for infections. The cold, allergies, nasal obstructions etc. can all contribute to this nasal congestion. Unfortunately antibiotics do not help people with bacterial chronic sinusitis because their infection has become resistant to them. They also do not help people with fungal sinusitis because antibiotics do not kill fungus and may actually make the infection worse.
You can get rid of sinus pain by using the following treatments.
Firstly, eradicate the infection – Antibiotics can get rid of bacterial infections however they will not get rid of fungal infections or bacterial infections which have become resistant to them. SinuSoothe 100% Natural Nasal Spray eradicates both types of infection and is always effective because it’s unique formula contains a potent mixture of natural antibiotics and anti-fungals. It also provides immediate relief from sinus pain, pressure, headaches and nasal congestion etc. It is recommended and even used by doctors to treat their own sinus conditions, contains clinically proven ingredients and is completely safe to use.
Secondly, relieve the inflammation – Omega oils, turmeric etc. are all excellent natural anti-inflammatories and can be just as effective as Ibuprofen etc. but without the side effects. There may still be minor symptoms hanging around after the infection has gone and this residual inflammation will benefit from these.
Thirdly, treat the allergy – Where allergies are the culprit for the nasal congestion it makes good sense to reduce histamine production within the nasal passages. Natural anti-histamines such as butterbur have been clinically proven to be just as effective as otc anti-histamines but without the side effects. SinuSoothe 100% Natural Nasal Spray is extremely effective at relieving nasal allergies by reducing histamine and desensitizing the nasal passages to allergens.
Fourthly, boost your immune system – Vitamin C, B complex, multi-vitamins, garlic etc. can all play a part in helping your immune system cope better. Of course these should supplement a healthy diet, not replace it. Relaxation and getting a good quality sleep are also beneficial.
Your doctor may recommend surgery if your sinusitis is caused by nasal obstructions. Balloon sinuplasty is increasingly being recommended.
Please consult your doctor before undertaking new treatments.
The Best Alternatives to Steroid Nasal sprays Such as Nasonex, Veramyst, Beconase and Rhinocort
Published in Nasal spray Allergies (nasal spray
There are extremely effective alternatives to steroid nasal sprays such as Nasonex, Veramyst, Beconase, Rhinocort, Flonase, Flixonase and Otravine.
Steroid nasal sprays can be used to relieve the symptoms of sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis. They can reduce inflammation and histamine production in the nasal passages thereby relieving nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sinus pain, headaches etc.
However they have the following disadvantages;
They do not effectively treat bacterial or fungal sinusitis because they only relieve the symptoms and do not get rid of the underlying bacterial or fungal infection.
They can cause side effects such as nasal ulcers, cataracts, headaches, sore throat etc.
They do not work for everyone.
The following natural treatments have helped many people with nasal conditions and do not cause the side effects associated with steroid nasal sprays.
Natural nasal sprays – Natural nasal sprays such as SinuSoothe are doctor recommended and contain clinically proven ingredients. It kills bacterial and fungal infections, reduces histamine, desensitises the nasal passages to allergens, removes airborne irritants and relieves inflammation and associated symptoms. It is completely safe and non-addictive. Uses – treats and relieves the symptoms of sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis.
Natural anti-histamines – Butterbur, stinging nettle etc. are all excellent at reducing histamine thereby relieving the symptoms of allergies and rhinitis. Butterbur in particular has been clinically proven to be just as effective as over the counter anti-histamines but without the side effects. Uses – treats and relieves the symptoms of hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis.
Saline nasal sprays – Saline nasal sprays such as Sterimar may be useful for moisturising the nasal passages, removing airborne irritants and relieving nasal congestion. They can be either isotonic or hypertonic solutions. These can be used long term, have no side effects and are non-addictive. However they are not particularly useful at reducing histamine (which causes allergic rhinitis) or killing bacterial and fungal infections. Uses – limited use to relieve sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis.
Nasal irrigation – A neti pot is used to irrigate the sinuses with either an isotonic or hypertonic solution. An isotonic solution has the same salt concentration as your body. A hypertonic solution has a higher salt content and may be more useful at drawing moisture and mucous from the sinuses. This may help reduce inflammation and relieve nasal congestion. It is a good practice for keeping your sinuses clean and removing irritants. It is completely safe provided you use the correct saline solution. It may help get rid of sinus infections however it does not reduce histamine. Uses – sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis.
Reducing stress levels – Stress contributes to ill health and should be minimised whenever possible. It reduces immune function and causes ‘flare ups’. Vitamin B complex assists the body during stressful times and magnesium, 5htp etc. can help to relax you. There are also plenty of other supplements that can relieve stress and help you to cope with it better. Pressure is healthy, stress is not.
Exercise – Exercise has been known to reduce chronic sinusitis symptoms since the endorphins released during exercise act as natural painkillers. It can also improve immune function provided it is not over strenuous.
Boosting immune system – Eating a balanced diet and supplementing with good quality vitamins etc. will improve immune system function and your ability to fight infection. Vitamin C, vitamin B complex, garlic and a multi-vitamin & mineral would help boost your immune system. Your local health food store should be able to advise you.
Natural anti-inflammatories- Since the symptoms of nasal conditions are caused by inflammation (either caused by infection or histamine) it follows that by reducing inflammation you will reduce the severity of the symptoms. Omega 3,6 &9 oils, vitamin C, turmeric and ginger are all excellent natural anti-inflammatories. There are plenty of others and your local health food store should be able to advise you on these. It usually takes about 4 weeks for these to start taking effect. Uses – treats and relieves the symptoms of sinusitis, hay fever, allergic rhinitis and non-allergic (perennial) rhinitis.
Pollen barriers – Pollen barriers such as special barrier gel inside the nostrils can catch pollen before it enters the nasal passages thus relieving hay fever symptoms.
Please consult your doctor before using new treatments.